Study tour application | Application for study tour – Best Mark 2023

Are you looking for a ‘study tour application’ guide & format? Our comprehensive study tour application guide will provide you with all the information you need to know. Learn about the application process, required documents, and tips for successful submission. Start your study tour journey with confidence – read our guide today.

Application for permission to go on a study tour

‘Study tour application’

Date: dd/mm/yy


The Principle,

 [Name of School/University],

[Address of your School/University].

Subject: Prayer for Permission to go on Study Tour.

Dear sir, 

I am writing to request permission to participate in a study tour to [Destination] with [Name of Group]. As a [Year in School/Degree Program] student at [Name of School/University], I believe that this opportunity would greatly benefit my academic and personal growth.

The study tour will take place from [Start Date] to [End Date] and will include visits to [List of Attractions or Locations to be Visited] as well as educational lectures and workshops led by industry professionals.

I am confident that the knowledge and experience gained from this study tour will greatly enrich my understanding of [Subject or Field of Study]. Additionally, the cultural immersion and opportunity to interact with students from other universities will provide valuable personal growth and development.

I am excited about the opportunity to represent [Name of School/University] on this study tour and believe that it would be a valuable addition to my academic career. I have attached a copy of my transcripts and resume for your review.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to participate in this study tour.


[Your Name]

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